How I see it: Voting is a blessing and responsibility
As we approach the coming election of the president of our nation, I am reminded that the supreme right of suffrage is a benefit and responsibility that all adult Americans have the opportunity to share . When I first voted I knew that I had been part of something much bigger than myself. I had made an impact by participating in the process. In 1992, almost 20% of the voters chose a third candidate for president (almost 1 out of every 5!) and it made a difference, and severely influenced the course of our nation. In tandem with the right to vote is the responsibility to be correctly informed. Whenever possible, use first hand resources to become informed about any issue in which you have interest. When first-hand sources are not available, find sources as close to the information as possible. The internet, in all of its glory, provides first-hand access to such diverse information as legislation and the latest stand-up routine by your favorite comic. Presumably, anyone readi...